1h 25min



Brugklas: De Tijd Van M'n Leven (2019)


Auditable Score
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Release Date

February 7, 2019


Raymond Grimbergen


Arnout Vallenduuk, Sander Offenberg (in alphabetical order)


Raymond Grimbergen


Comedy, Drama, Family


When everything in Nola's life seems to be going downhill, she meets a boy who helps her get her life back on track. On a road trip with him Nola discovers what it means to not be the most popular girl in school anymore.

Official Trailer

Brugklas: De Tijd Van M'n Leven (2019) Official Trailer YouTube Video

Trailer + Clips

Brugklas: De Tijd Van M'n Leven (2019) Trailer + Clips YouTube Video

Official Trailer

Brugklas: De Tijd Van M'n Leven (2019) Official Trailer YouTube Video

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