1h 37min



Monica And Friends: Bonds (2019)


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Release Date

June 27, 2019


Daniel Rezende


Thiago Dottori


Cao Quintas, Cassio Pardini, Charles Miranda, Fernando Fraiha, Karen Castanho, Marcio Fraccaroli (in alphabetical order)


Adventure, Comedy, Family


Based in the graphic novel written by Lu Cafaggi and Vitor Cafaggi, spin off from the comics written by Mauricio de Sousa. The boy Jimmy Five gathers his friends to find his dog Fluffy that has been kidnapped.

Official Trailer

Monica And Friends: Bonds (2019) Official Trailer YouTube Video

Official Trailer

Monica And Friends: Bonds (2019) Official Trailer YouTube Video

Official Teaser

Monica And Friends: Bonds (2019) Official Teaser YouTube Video

Official Trailer

Monica And Friends: Bonds (2019) Official Trailer YouTube Video

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