2h 2min



The Sacrifice (2020)


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Release Date

October 23, 2020


Frant Gwo, Hu Guan, Yang Lu, Yu-sheng Tian (in alphabetical order)


Hu Guan, Ningyu Zhao, Rui Ge (in alphabetical order)


Bendev Junior, Chen Bofei, Donghui Wang, Gong Geer, Jiang Wenbo, Jianhai Xu, Kailuo Liu, Mingyu Peng, Wenjiu Zhu, Wu Xian (in alphabetical order)


Action, Drama, War


In 1953, the Korean War is entering the final stage. The People's Volunteer Army of China has launched the last major battle in Kumsong. In order to arrive at the battleground on time and deliver enough force to the Kumsong front line, the soldiers have to...

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Trailer 2

The Sacrifice (2020) Trailer 2 YouTube Video

Trailer 1

The Sacrifice (2020) Trailer 1 YouTube Video

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